Saturday, January 24, 2009

The TOOTH....

We all know me..... we all know how I am. I lose stuff constantly... I get agitated easily.... I am severely unorganized, but in some ways, severely organized. I feel sorry for plants in a department store left to die... I LOVE babies. I cannot accomplish ONE task at a time I start about 5 to 9 and do them all at once here and there. I hate cooking. I love my friends... These are some of the things that make me... ME. Which brings me to the story I am about to tell you..... One other thing is, I cannot stand to hear my son cry. My husband though.... loves to make him squeal. Andrew has a loose tooth. People who know me know that my son has what we call "The million dollar mouth". He's had fillings and crowns... he's never lost a tooth... we have had to have them all pulled, the new ones grow in and the old ones never get loose enough. He has a tooth now that is loose, on the bottom. He hates to have it touched or messed with. My husband believes all teeth should be wiggled and PULLED. I never let him do it. Last weekend he wrestled him down and tried to wiggle the tooth... it was a fight and afterwards Andrew comes into the kitchen where my mom and I are painting. My mom asks him what's wrong and he states, "Nanoo.... I just can't talk about it right now". So....Tonight, I left for some time AWAY, w/ a friend to Wal Mart (I know.... I know... Wal Mart??). Upon my return (which was no longer than 30 minutes), I was greeted at the door by my red-faced, watery eyed son. And the next thing I hear is, "Daddy made me fro-up, on the carpet mommy.... right there". Apparently, the tooth wiggling started the minute I left. Andrew got more than upset, started crying and coughing and, well... you know the rest. Needless to say, he was horrified. I can venture to say, I doubt I will be going anywhere alone for a while. I can also say Andrew thinks he can no longer eat Honey Nut Cheerios, thanks to the puke episode. Andrew already eats very little... I hate to think another item has been knocked off the menu. I was also notified that in case of another emergency, Andrew needs me on speed dial.